Facetiming or calling friends: You haven’t seen your friends in a while, so call them or facetime them using Zoom, Skype or even Google Hangouts. You’ll have a great time catching up with them and time will fly by without you even noticing.

Do DIY’s: You’ve most likely always wanted to do a diy project at some point in your life, but you just didn't have the time to. Because of quarantine, you now have a ton of time. So, go make those room decorations, tie dye your shirts, just go do whatever you’ve always wanted to do.

Workout: If you enjoy working out, then start doing everyday or weekly workouts. You can simply just find workout exercises or routines online.

Have a Hobby: You have so much time to spare, so why not get a hobby. You can learn how to draw, paint, sing, dance, read, build puzzles, knit, sew, take pictures, bake, cook, learn a new sport, and so on. There are so many hobbies you can pick from.

Play Board or Card Games: There are a variety of board games and card games to play from. You could play a never ending game of Monopoly or a quick game of Spoons, but either way, you'll be kept from being bored.

Train your dog: This is for all the people who have dogs. You could spend your time with your dog by teaching him or her new tricks.

Write a journal: Being in this pandemic due to COVID-19, you are living in what will be history. So you might as well journal your first hand experience though it all.

Binge watch shows: You have time now to watch that show you’ve always wanted to watch. You can binge watch it all you want.

Go outside: You’ve been cooped up in your house all day. You should go get some fresh air whether that's just taking a walk or going on a hike. That’s up to you to decide.

Family Time: You might as well take advantage of being stuck at home with your family by spending time with them.
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