A month full of dancing the night away:
DHS students celebrate homecoming despite the school not having one
A group of well-dressed sophomore friends gather around each other to capture a moment on October 3. They all came together to continue the tradition of homecoming at Jacob Hancock’s house. “I thought [our homecoming] was really fun, the food that people brought was good. . . and it was decorated beautifully,” Ada Bermudez said.
October 27, 2020
After everything that COVID-19 has already taken from the students of DHS, it comes striking again taking the homecoming dance. However, people among Delta County came together and fought back by hosting their own homecoming somewhere in Delta in the month of October.
Sophomore, Jacob Hancock, hosted a homecoming dance at his house inside a developing workshop. He, along with six fellow sophomores, spent weeks on end preparing for the dance that would occur on October 2. Hancock said, “I just thought it might be fun to do [a homecoming] at my house [since] people were bummed that there wasn’t going to be one.”
They decorated the workshop with fall decorations, hay bales for seating, and Christmas lights on each wall that ended up meeting in the middle of the ceiling. Hancock and some of the sophomores that helped set up along with parents pitched in and provided food and beverages for everyone attending the dance. Hancock and other guests believed that it had a good turn out.
With that being said, Hancock’s homecoming unfortunately wasn’t something all of the DHS students could attend since he invited the people who could go. But this didn’t affect the students’ homecoming experience since My Place also hosted a homecoming on October 15 for all of Delta County and Montrose County to attend.
According to Bernice Rosales, My Place was very organized and on schedule with everything they had planned for the night. They had people at the front doors to check admissions, a professional photographer from Montrose to take students’ pictures, as well as a homecoming ballot for voting royalty.

After students were given enough time to vote, the votes were counted and tallied to identify royalty from each school. Seniors, Favian Estrada and Bernice Rosales, won homecoming royalty for DHS . However, Rosales was the only one crowned since Estrada left early. “It was sort of chaotic yet so memorable,” Rosales said.
Rosales said that many students tried making up their own rules and did whatever they wanted that went against My Place’s rules or went against what they allowed. But the people running the place would constantly say something to those students or even kick them out if they didn’t listen after so many chances given to them. Rosales also said that “It was packed, but it weirdly worked.”
These two homecomings gave DHS students a chance to have their homecoming experience this year, but if the juniors or seniors missed out on their opportunity, then they still have one more chance.
Parents came together to give the upperclassmen a homecoming experience by hosting one at Renee Cronenberg’s house on October 24. The plan, as of Friday the 23, is to have a bonfire and music for the students along with food and beverages.
Payten Hodgin said, “It sounds really fun, but I wish the whole school could’ve come. . . I [also] sort of wish it was formal, because once out of the year, I actually would like to dress up in a dress and high heels.”