Colorado votes to reintroduce wolves:
Ranchers are worried

November 16, 2020
Ranchers are having a hard time with Proposition 114 bill passing which will reintroduce wolves on the Western Slope. The Rocky Mountain Wolf Actions Fund has raised $2.39 million to bring wolves back into Colorado because back in the 1930s most wolves were driven away from the western U.S due to predator control programs.
Adam Carpenter, a rancher in the North Fork Valley who is in the cattle business, knows what problems wolves will bring. “Well I don’t agree with this at all. It’s just another predator to deal with and the government should pay for every livestock animal that is killed by a wolf.” The bill will pay for any livestock that is killed.
Adult wolves can weigh anywhere between
51-180 lbs and get up to 6.6ft in length.
Wolves are pack hunters and will look for very helpless animals and a two month calf would
fit in that criteria. Wolves need about 3.7 pounds of meat a day, but consume about 10 pounds a day, and wolves were already coming into Colorado from them coming down from Yellowstone.
“I think it’s stupid,” Carpenter said. “There were already wolves in Colorado. It was scientifically proven.”
When wolves were reintroduced to Idaho, ranchers were shooting steel-jacket bullets without licenses. Kari Barnum, a resident in Fort Collins, has family who works in the agricultural field. “I personally didn’t vote on it, but it could have a negative impact on ranching, and wolves were already being reintroduced naturally, which is better.” ,wolves can cause a lot of damage and lower elk, deer, and livestock animals like sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, and cattle populations
“It will not affect me as much,” Barnum said, “but I know some people that it will.”