No More Senior Pranks

Rachel Young

Across the nation, senior pranks have been a tradition in many high schools. Before school gets out for summer, the graduating class pulls one last stunt at school. Normally this sort of thing is harmless, but sometimes it can go too far, causing many schools to implement a “no senior pranks” policy.


“They are generally well thought out in order to not be dangerous, illegal, or destructive. They become a problem when they enter into these areas and are disruptive to the school’s functioning. If senior pranks are dangerous and/or destructive to students, the building, or campus the consequences involve law enforcement and taking away the privileges that seniors work to earn over four years,” said DHS Principal Derek Carlson.  


Senior pranks have always technically been under a ban at Delta High. Many administrators feel that no pranks are better than taking the risk of allowing a possible dangerous prank in the first place. Punishments for pranks can also be pretty harsh, depending on the severity of the prank.


“If property damage or personal harm is the result of a ‘prank’ it is turned over to the police department for investigation and charges will be pressed by DHS & DCSD 50-J. If the crime was committed by a graduating senior, that student will not be allowed to be a part of the graduation ceremonies and traditions, be subject to policy-directed school discipline, and they will deal with the legal ramifications in court,” said Carlson.


Many high schools don’t want to take the risk that allowing senior pranks would bring. Having a ban on all of them would make it so the risk of damage and harm is greatly reduced since seniors already know that pranks are not allowed. 


“Senior pranks have never been approved or allowed and therefore the so-called “ban” has technically always been in place. We encourage our students to celebrate their hard work and accomplishments through the many traditions DHS, the Delta community, and our senior parents provide,” said Carlson.


Delta High School teacher, Scott Siettmann, takes a slightly different, less serious approach to senior pranks.


“As long as senior pranks are harmless fun (nothing gets destroyed or vandalized, and it doesn’t force someone like custodians to have additional work to clean up), I don’t see anything wrong with them. The key is they must be harmless and not destructive in any way!” said Siettmann.


However, Siettmann agrees with the school’s no senior prank policy as he still believes that senior pranks shouldn’t be allowed.


“To simply allow [senior pranks] opens the door for students to abuse the opportunity and makes students feel they have license to do so,” said Seittmann.


High school seniors’ perspectives are quite different from those of the administrators and teachers at Delta High School. 


DHS senior Payten Hodgin said, “The ban on senior pranks has made it so I can’t participate in a tradition like that, and I think a lot of seniors would want to do senior pranks. I think seniors should be allowed to do senior pranks. I don’t know what I would want to do as a prank.”


A humorous yet harmless prank from Siettmann’s senior year might give some seniors a good idea of what they could do.


“As was planned the principal walked back up the microphone and before he could say a word we all dropped our golf balls at the same time on the gym floor. There was a thunderous noise that startled everyone in attendance and then [a] lengthy sound of golf balls rolling around on the floor as everyone tried to figure out what had just happened. Once again our principal looked perplexed as he looked down at the golf ball he was still holding and the faculty sitting on stage erupted into laughter at what had just transpired and the confused look on the principal’s face. Soon everyone in the gym was laughing and it took several minutes for everyone to compose themselves before the ceremony could resume,” said Siettmann.

Senior pranks can often be harmless and fun, but precautions are taken to alleviate the risk of damage and harm. Pranks at DHS have never been very celebrated, and the ban is just another reason for seniors not to try them.