Due to the recent resignation of Beth Nelson, there has been a sudden change in staff.
Most have probably noticed that Tabatha Hernandez has not been in her normal spot in the counseling office and has now replaced Nelson. Contrary to most rumors, she was not thrown into the position, but she actually “has the experience and credentials to apply for a license,” Hernandez said.
Hernandez volunteered and has been having fun learning and interacting with her new students. The only real challenge Hernandez has encountered is figuring out lesson plans, specifically for team sports. She has not had any issues with driver’s education, or success foundations, but many teachers have given her tips for not just students, but for her new classroom as well.
“[DHS has] a very supportive community of teachers,” said Hernandez.
In addition, the new counseling registrar, Barbara Cocetti, has been having a wonderful time in her new position. “It’s been a huge joy to meet the staff and students,” Cocetti said. Many students and staff have already introduced themselves and wished her luck with her new position. The only challenge Cocetti has faced so far is “I am not able to go as fast as I would like.”
Although the position seems to be a good fit for her, there have been some slight issues with some students such as Maddison Fine, who became a teacher’s aide specifically for Hernandez. Fine said, “Mrs. Hernandez brought a lot of light to the counseling office and brightened the environment and without her, things feel shaky and uncertain and if she wants to come back, she definitely should”.