Everyone is curious about who would win: Hydro Flask or Stanley?
Most people chose Stanley, but surprisingly Hydroflask got close to winning.
Olivia Hines said “I like my Stanley more, but I have had a bunch of Hydro Flasks in the past. But now that I have my Stanley, I don’t think I would go back.”
Hines’s opinion was a lot like everyone else’s. In many ways, most people have had both and would not go back to the opposite one.
Mya Abeyta said “Heck no, I do not like either. They don’t work, but I still have them both. Stanley’s spill and Hydro Flasks don’t keep it cold enough.” Some of the boys also had opinions on Stanleys.
Caleb Weams said “They are both useless. Why not just have a plastic water bottle that you can throw away and don’t have to wash?”
Most boys don’t think that either of them is useful, so they don’t have much to say about them other than that they don’t do anything but spill and get dirty.
In conclusion most people like Stanleys more, but at the same time they like Hydro Flasks, just not as much. They say Stanleys keep the water colder than a Hydro Flask.