With a lot of talk about the California fires, being prepared for fires is important. It is better to be prepared than to be unprepared at a time when needed. There are many things that people can get and do to be prepared for any sort of fire.
Ethan Kraai and Daniel Vincent, two Delta Firefighters, said the most common ways fires start in Delta County are. They both stated that fires in the Delta County area are because people do not properly extinguish fires. “A big thing is brush fires that are caused by burning with high winds,” said Daniel Vincent.
Fire prevention is an important thing to know. Properly putting out a fire is a necessity and knowing when to and when not to start fires is a necessity. Doing something as simple as burning when it is windy or even not making sure that the fire is fully extinguished can start massive fires that cause a lot of destruction and pollution.
To make sure your fire is properly extinguished, there should not be visible flames, smoke, or embers. Next, you have to check for any surrounding heat. After that, you monitor the area for an extended period to make sure there are no signs of a re-ignitor. Then, your fire is extinguished and safe to leave unattended.
The other issue is people burning on windy days. It is good to make sure the flame that you ignited is fully extinguished because it can spread with the pushing of the wind. This can easily be avoided by putting it to the side and burning it on a different day. Also, you can keep a fire extinguisher. If you have a multi-story house, keep a fire ladder in case there is a fire and you get trapped in a room on a different story and you need a quick escape without injuring yourself. You can buy a ladder that is small enough to fit into small places out of the way and when in need you can use it to escape without having to fall stories.