Wish Week is approaching in early March. StuCo runs Wish Week, a week of fun during which all proceeds go to someone in need in the community. This week includes a blood drive, a dodgeball tournament, assembly, and much more. But who is this year’s recipient?
Kalliope Carmichael graduated from Delta High School in 2023. She was highly involved at the school, participating in the Student Council, NHS, FBLA, and many dance companies around the area. Students and teachers recognized her infectious smile and huge heart.
Carmichael ended up going into Musical Theater at Long Island University in Long Island, New York. Her schooling ended up being cut short due to her diagnosis of Gastroparesis.
Carmicheal’s condition causes her to use a feeding tube to get the nutrients she needs to survive, as she is unable to eat or drink. Carmichael is currently monitored by a specialty team at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, which is the only medical facility that specializes in gastroparesis. Life is tough with gastroparesis, but Carmicheal makes amends.
Kalli enjoys many hobbies, such as reading, watching TV, baking, coloring, and journaling. She also enjoys doing crafts, such as crocheting, knitting, and painting.
The Student Council met with Carmicheal via Zoom, She put a lot of thought into Wish Week and her contributions, such as slogans, merchandise, and many events.
Carmichael would like to raise awareness of chronic illness. “Not only just gastroparesis but other chronic illnesses. Especially focusing on women and teenagers with chronic illnesses,” Carmicheal said.
Carmichael has a positive outlook on her situation and even puts input into Wish Week as a former StuCo member. She’s helped develop games, dress-up ideas, and many more. Carmichael is an inspiration to many, especially those who are struggling with chronic illnesses.