Turkey- Obviously, having turkey on Thanksgiving is the most common and delicious tradition of all!

Pie- The most popular dessert during Thanksgiving is the famous pumpkin pie. Everybody enjoys the sweet, creamy pies that are best on Thanksgiving day.

Travel- Spending time with loved ones is either the best or worst thing to happen on Thanksgiving. Lots of families travel long distances to share this wonderful holiday.

Giving thanks- Thanksgiving is the best way to remind people of what they have and how grateful they are for others.

Watching or playing football- Hosting or watching football is a great way to hang out with your family and have lots of fun while waiting for your Thanksgiving feast to cook.

Black Friday- The lowest prices and deals that no one will find until next year happens right after the day people are grateful for what they have. Many stores open right at midnight to let the people flow in and fight over shopping carts.

Wishbone- Lots of families pull the bone from the turkey to see whose wish is going to come true. Whoever gets the biggest part of the bone, their wish comes true and becomes part of the Thanksgiving celebration.

Loved ones- Hanging out with family and friends is one of the biggest traditions of Thanksgiving. Having loved ones makes your Thanksgiving even more special and fun.

Thanksgiving crafts- Everybody loves crafts and making decorations. It’s a great activity for the kids and the adults.
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