Wall Crawling State Qualifiers
Carson Roithmayr climbs a 5.10+ at the regional competition at Grand Junction. Roithmayr qualified for State during the competition.
February 10, 2020
We all wish that we can do the impossible. We all wish that we can fly, turn invisible, or even wall crawl like Spider-Man. Then again, nothing’s impossible. Two boys from Delta High School are having the chance of a lifetime to battle the impossible. These boys have proved that if you believe in yourself, you can do anything you put your mind to.
Carson Roithmayr, a Senior at Delta High School, and Trevor Pike, a Junior at Delta High School, are rock climbers and are getting the chance to go to State for rock climbing. Pike has been climbing everything from trees to rocks for as long as he can remember. He started rock climbing as a sport once his cousins took him to a climbing spot in New Castle and ever since, he’s been hooked on the sport. Roithmayr started climbing at the age of 10. His dad took him with him and his friends who climbed and once he started there was never a point to where he wasn’t interested.
This sport is very important to the two boys. Pike said, “Climbing is important to me because it always feels like I am solving a puzzle on how to get on top of a route. The feeling I get once I reach the top is indescribable. Whether you climb it on your first try or it takes you many attempts, the reward of accomplishing your goal is always amazing.” Roithmayr had a few words of his own and said, “Climbing is just as much physical as it is mental. So if you walk up to a route doubting yourself on whether or not you can climb it, chances are you’ve already made up your mind that you won’t. I enjoy climbing because it puts you in some sketchy situations sometimes whether you’re on a rock or ice and the thrill is amazing. It’s so much fun to climb a route you’ve been working on for weeks or months and finally get it. One of the best feelings in the world.” Of course these boys had a lot of experience with this type of sport. Pike has been climbing for six years while Roithmayr has been climbing for eight years now.
With these boys going to State, the competition is about three hours long and rates your ability to climb boulder routes which are no ropes and are typically 10-12 feet high. The judges also rates your ability to climb the top rope which are roped routes ranging from 30-50 feet high. You submit your top five highest climbs: two boulder routes, two top ropes, and one of your choice. The competition environment in rock climbing is a lot different than any other sport. Everyone is encouraging you and cheering you on even if you are on the opposing team. The competition climbing is really with yourself, challenging your own ability and limits.
The motivation in these boys also says a lot about them. Pike’s love for the sport is what keeps him motivated and Roithmayr’s motivation comes from inside when his family is there for him to cheer him on.
Pike said, “I’m feeling excited to represent an upcoming sport, as well as my team. If it were up to me, I think my entire team deserves a spot at this competition,” Roithmayr said. “I feel so proud to represent myself, my family, and my city because nobody from Delta has done this before and I’m proud to be the first.”
The two boys are really excited to represent Delta with the other rock climbers of Colorado. Nobody has ever gotten the chance to go to State for rock climbing in Delta and these boys are getting the fighting chance to show everybody what it means to be a Panther.
Carson Roithmayr climbs a 5.10+ at the regional competition at Grand Junction. Roithmayr qualified for State during the competition.