Preparing for COVID-19 surge

When it comes to personal protective equipment, America is falling behind for demand. Delta, Colorado is no exception. At a local doctors office, employees are doing what they can to be safe. “The panic is real for many, and it’s the unspoken elephant in the room,” said Allison Sharpe, a clinical technician.
Here’s a list of what Delta is doing to prepare for COVID-19 cases
- Some employees are wearing homemade masks to conserve supplies.
- The community has volunteered to make masks for healthcare workers
- A local doctors office is trying to move preventative healthcare (non-essential) visits to web-cam.
- A local doctors office started screening people at the door by taking their temperatures.
- DCMH has tested 139 tests with 1 test pending, of course this will change the next upcoming weeks.
- The hospital made a 8-bed isolated “COVID-ward” for infected patients.
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