Creative Feature: Xia Lane ( Unseen Abyss – Into the Art of Xia Lane)

Xia Lane is a Senior at Delta High School who has a macabre twist in their artwork. From rotting skeletons to human caterpillars, Lane has seen it all in the “unseen abyss”.

Shiba Towne

Senior Xia Lane poses in front of the Delta wings mural, forming a prism with their hands.

They use styles of graffities and rich colors to convey a poetic message about the hidden things in the world we live in. Unlike most artists, Lane derives their inspiration from their nightmares, allowing them to bring their twisted dreams to life.

  “My artwork is a lot of creative process that gets changed throughout,” said Lane. “My usual process is probably finding inspiration, saying that I’m going to do whatever that inspiration is, and then doing a variation of it and it takes like three weeks.”


Lane typically uses sharpie markers and paints in their work, allowing them to create realistic textures and beautiful linework.

Lane’s Acrylic Marker painting with the words “Against All Odds”
Lane’s Acrylic painting displaying a close up of a rotting corpse’s eye.
Lane’s ink drawing depicts Jesus Christ as a rotting corpse.